※English follows Japanese
2019年1月16日(水)、一般社団法人Fintech協会(東京都港区、代表理事:丸山 弘毅/木村 康宏/ナタリー 志織 フレミング)は、香港で開催されたAsian Financial Forum(AFF)において、アジア太平洋各地域のFintech協会団体と共に連携について調印し、「Asia-Pacific FinTech Network」を発足いたしました。
調印に立ち会った当協会の鬼頭 武嗣理事は以下のようにコメントしております。
『Asia-Pacific FinTech Networkの一員として参加できることを嬉しく思います。AFFの今年のテーマは「Creating a Sustainable and Inclusive Future」ということで、我々日本のFintech協会としても、金融業界が目指すこの大きな目標を見据え、各国のFintech協会と緊密に連携し、世界のFinTechエコシステムの持続可能で包括的な成長にこれまで以上に貢献していきたいと思います。』
・FinTech Australia
・FinTech Association of Hong Kong
・Fintech Association of Japan
・FinTech Association of Malaysia
・MENA Fintech Association
・Fintech Philippines Association
・Singapore FinTech Association
・Fintech Industry Development Association of Taiwan
・Thai Fintech Association
Asia-Pacific FinTech Network Launches to Encourage Cross-Border Innovation
Fintech Association of Japan (Minato City, Tokyo. Representative Directors: Hiroki Maruyama / Yasuhiro Kimura / Natalie Shiori Fleming) have signed the Statement of Intent and the nine associations together launched “Asia-Pacific FinTech Network” at the Asian Financial Forum (AFF), an event held in Hong Kong, on Wednesday January 16, 2019.
The aim of the network is to promote cross-border innovations and advancement of Fintech ecosystem through exchanging information and co-organizing events and seminars.
Takeshi Kito, a director of the Fintech Association of Japan, have signed the Statement of Intent and said, “We are pleased to be a part of the Asia-Pacific FinTech Network. With this as an impactful opportunity, we would like to make more contributions to the sustainable and inclusive growth of the global Fintech ecosystem than ever before.”
○Members of the Asia-Pacific FinTech Network
・FinTech Australia
・FinTech Association of Hong Kong
・Fintech Association of Japan
・FinTech Association of Malaysia
・MENA Fintech Association
・Fintech Philippines Association
・Singapore FinTech Association
・Fintech Industry Development Association of Taiwan
・Thai Fintech Association
Fintech Association of Japan will continue to work to develop a healthy industry, revitalize the Fintech ecosystem, and develop a strong presence in the international Fintech industry by exchanging information and cooperating with domestic, international and government organizations.
(associated information)
Asia-Pacific FinTech Network Launches to Encourage Cross-Border Innovation