To Expand the Global Fintech Ecosystem

We cooperate with global Fintech players like Fintech associations, regulators, embassies, JETRO etc.

One of our mission is to expand the Fintech ecosystem globally by connecting domestic and global players.

Business Development Center Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Government)

Please contact first here if you are planning to establish Japanese entity for your business.
This is the support desk for the person which is aiming to jumping into Japanese market.

Guidance of Business Development Center TOKYO

Global Fintech Associations

We have concluded MoU for further cooperation to support Fintechs and their ecosystem.
If you are a member of our association, we are able to connect you for the destination if the request recipient accept to communicate,


[ Hong Kong ] Fintech Association of Hong Kong
[ Singapore ] Singapore Fintech Association
[ Thailand ] Thai Fintech Association
[ Hong Kong ] Hong Kong Internet Finance Association

[ China ] Fintech Association of Zhejang
[ Philippines ] Fintech Philippines Association

[ Malaysia ] FinTech Association of Malaysia

[ Mongolia ] Mongolia Fintech Association
[ India ] Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry
[ China ] Shenzhen Internet Finance Association
Asean Financial Innovation Network
[ Sri Lanka ] Fintech Association of Sri Lanka
[ Pakistan ] Pakistan Fintech Network
[ Indonesia ] Asosiasi Fintech Indonesia (AFTECH)
[ Taiwan ] FintechSpace
[ Philippines ] Digital Pilipinas
[ Korea ] Fintech Center Korea
[ Indonesia ] Asosiasi Fintech Syariah Indonesia
[ Australia ] FinTech Australia
[ Korea ] Korea Fintech Industry Association(KORFIN)
[ Taiwan ] Taiwan Fintech Association
[ Kazakhstan ] Astana International Financial Centre
[ Taiwan ] FinTech Industry Development Association

Middle East

[ Bahrain ] Bahrain Fintech Bay
[ Saudi Arabia ] Fintech Saudi
MENA Fintech Association
[ Israel ] City TLV
[ Israel ] FinTech-Aviv
[ UAE ] Fintech Galaxy


[ Luxembourg ] Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (LHoFT)
[ Denmark ] Copenhagen FinTech
[ Ireland ] Fintech and Payments Association of Ireland
[ France ] Finance Innovation
[ United Kingdom ] FinTech Scotland
[ Sweden ] FINDEC
[ Ukraine ] Ukrainian Association of Fintech and Innovation Companies
[ Netherlands ] Holland Fintech
[ Romania ] Romanian Fintech Association
[ Norway ] NCE Finance Innovation
[ Russia ] Russia Association for Development of Financial Technologies


[ Chile ] FinteChile
[ U.S.A ] Fintech Connector