※English follows Japanese
一般社団法人Fintech協会(東京都港区、代表理事:丸山 弘毅/木村 康宏/ナタリー 志織 フレミング)は、2018年10月26日、香港のフィンテック団体「香港インターネットファイナンス協会(HKIFA)」および中東・北アフリカのフィンテック団体「中東・北アフリカFintech協会(MFTA)」と相互支援に関する覚書(MOU)を締結しました。今後は各国相互間のフィンテックエコシステムの向上に向けて協力をしてまいります。
覚書の署名は、10月26日に東京国際フォーラムで開催された、Fintech協会の主催イベント「Fintech Japan 2018」にて両協会代表によって和やかに行われました。
(参考)以下のリンク(外部サイト:事務局運営 株式会社グッドウェイ)より、当日の様子をご覧いただけます。
Fintech Association of Japan (Minato City, Tokyo. Representative Directors: Hiroki Maruyama / Yasuhiro Kimura / Natalie Shiori Fleming) concluded a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Hong Kong Internet Finance Association (HKIFA), a Hong Kong based Fintech organization, and Mena Fintech Association (MFTA), a Middle East/North Africa based Fintech organization, on October 26, 2018. We will offer mutual support for the improvement of the Fintech ecosystem.
Through collaborative projects, we will offer mutual support for the further innovations and advancement of Fintech industry. At the same time, we will contribute to Fintech industry by improving recognition of Japan’s Fintech industry in the world and by being Japanese Fintech companies’ hub for making inroads in Asia and Middle East/North Africa. By sharing information and knowledge, we expect there will be more international business opportunities for the members of each association.
The representative of each association signed the memorandum amicably on October 26 at “Fintech Japan 2018”, an event held by Fintech Association of Japan.
We have concluded a memorandum of understanding with Fintech associations in Luxemburg, Bahrain, Singapore, and Thailand in the past. We hope to cultivate positive relations with other Fintech communities around the world in the future as well.
【About Fintech Association of Japan】
Fintech Association of Japan, established in September 2015, promotes open innovation in the Japanese Fintech industry by creating networking opportunities for its members, researching emerging market trends, and cooperating with domestic, international, and government organizations. The association promotes the Japanese Fintech ecosystem abroad and encourages the exchange of information internationally.
(Reference) Please see below link for more details. (External link: office management GoodWay, Inc.)