

GitHub Enterprise1年目無料、2年目半額のユーザー登録などの特典があります。
詳細は申込ページもしくは下記About our Partnershipをご確認ください。



About our partnership

Hi founders,

Happy to share we’ve partnered with GitHub for Startups. This program is designed to accelerate early-stage startups building with GitHub, the world’s leading AI-powered developer platform. It includes startup-friendly pricing, tailored product guidance, and GTM support.

Apply here to learn more or get started. https://resources.github.com/startups/?pid=fintechjapan
Their startup team will respond within a few business days.

Program Offer:

  • 20 seats of GitHub Enterprise, free for one year (50% off year two).
  • 20 seats of GitHub Advanced Security, 50% off for one year (25% off year two).
    The Advanced Security offer isn’t yet public. If interested, please reach out to startups@github.com.

Eligibility: must be a portfolio company, Series A or earlier, and new to each offer.