Privacy Policy.
(※English follows Japanese)
一般社団法人Fintech協会は、本協会の目的を達成する上で、会員の個人情報(個人情報の保護に関する法律(以下「個人情報保護法」といいます。)に定める「個人情報」をいいます。)を適正に取り扱い、その保護の重要性に鑑み、次のとおり個人情報保護方針を定め、これに従って個人情報の適切な保護・ 利用に万全を尽くします。
1. 法令等の遵守
(1) 会員管理
(2) 分科会等の運営管理、イベント、セミナー、その他行事等の開催連絡および運営管理
(3) 各種アンケート調査の実施、協力依頼
(4) 当協会が実施するビジネスマッチングを含む会員向け事業支援サービス提供の案内
(5) 官公庁、関係団体等への政策、制度提言及び意見交換
(6) その他業務上必要な連絡等
(1) あらかじめ本人の同意を得た場合
(2) 個人情報保護法27条1項1号ないし7号に定める例外に該当する場合
(3) 個人情報保護法27条2項(オプトアウト)ないし同条5項1号ないし3号(外部委託、事業承継もしくは共同利用)の場合(ただし、同法28 条に定める外国の第三者に提供する場合を除きます。)
本協会は、取得した個人データを個人情報保護法28 条に定める外国にある第三者に提供することがあります。この場合、同法27条1項1号ないし7号に定める例外に該当する場合を除き、本協会は、関係法令に従い、あらかじめ、当該外国における個人情報の保護に関する制度、当該第三者が講ずる個人情報の保護のための措置その他当該本人に参考となるべき情報を当該本人に提供した上で、本人の同意を得るものとします。
本協会は、他団体等と個人データの共同利用を行う場合には、その旨並びに共同して利用される個人データの項目、共同して利用する者の範囲、利用する者の利用目的及び当該個人データの管理について責任を有する者の氏名又は名称について、予め本人に通 知を行うか、又は本人が容易に知りうる状態に置くものとします。
(1) 本協会において匿名加工情報を第三者に提供するときは、第三者に提供される匿名加工情報に含まれる個人に関する情報の項目及びその提供の方法をそれぞれ公表します。
(2) 本協会において匿名加工情報を利用する場合においては、当該匿名加工情報を他の情報と照合せず、当該匿名加工情報の作成に用いられた個人情報に係る本人を識別しません。
(1) 個人情報・個人データの適正な取扱いのため、法令及びガイドライン所定が定める各対応を実施するに当たっての基本方針の策定
(2) 取得・利用・保存・提供・削除・廃棄等の各対応及び責任者と役割を定めた各種規定の策定
(3) 責任者の設置、個人データを取り扱う従業員及び取扱い個人データの範囲の明確化、法及び規程に違反している事実又は兆候を把握した場合の責任者への報告連絡体制の整備、取扱い状況に関する定期点検等の組織的安全管理措置
(4) 個人データについての秘密保持に関する事項を就業規則に記載し、個人データの取扱いに関する留意事項について定期研修を実施する等の人的安全管理措置
(5) 従業員の入退出管理、持ち込み機器の制限、個人データを取り扱う機器及び電子媒体・書類の盗難・紛失等を防止するための持ち出し制限・管理等の物理的安全管理措置
(6) 個人データを取り扱う情報システムに対する外部からの不正アクセス又は不正ソフトウェアから保護するシステムの導入等の技術的安全管理措置
一般社団法人 Fintech 協会事務局
受付時間:午前 9 時~午後 5 時(土日祝日除く)
Privacy Policy.
The Fintech Association of Japan, in achieving the objectives of Association,will use the personal information of its members (personal information means ‘personal information’as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Personal Information Protection Act’). In view of the importance of the proper handling and protection of personal information, the Association has established the following privacy policy and will take all possible measures to protect and use personal information appropriately in accordance with this policy.
1.Compliance with laws and regulations
The Association complies with the Personal Information Protection Act and other laws and regulations relating to personal information, as well as guidelines relating to the protection of personal information.
2.Acquisition of personal information
The Association will acquire personal information to the extent necessary for the performance of its duties or to the extent permitted by law, and by appropriate and lawful means.
3.Use of personal information
The Association handles personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the following purposes of use, except where required by law. The Association will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purposes of use, except with the prior consent of the individual or in accordance with the law.
(1) Membership management
(2) Management of subcommittees, etc., communication and management of events, seminars and other events.
(3) Implementation of various surveys and requests for cooperation.
(4) Information on the provision of business support services for members, including business matching conducted by the Association.
(5) Policy and system proposals and exchange of opinions with government agencies and relevant organisations.
(6) Other communications, etc. necessary for business.
4.Provision of personal data to third parties
The Association will not provide personal data it has acquired to third parties, except in the following cases
(1) Where the consent of the person concerned has been obtained in advance.
(2) Cases falling within the exceptions set out in Article 27(1)(i) to (vii) of the Personal Information Protection Act.
(3) In the case of Article 27(2) (opt-out) or Article 27(5)(i) to (iii) (outsourcing, business succession or joint use) of the Personal Information Protection Act (except in the case of provision to foreign third parties as stipulated in Article 28 of the same Act).
5.Provision to third parties in foreign countries
The Association may provide acquired personal data to third parties located in foreign countries as stipulated in Article 28 of the Personal Information Protection Act. In such cases, except in cases falling under the exceptions set out in Article 27(1)(i) to (vii) of the said Act, the Association shall, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, provide the person in question in advance with information on the system for the protection of personal data in the foreign country, the measures taken by the third party to protect personal data and other information that may be of interest to the person in question, The consent of the individual concerned shall be obtained.
6.Joint use of personal information
If the Association shares personal data with other organisations, etc., the Association shall notify the person in advance of this fact and the items of personal data to be shared, the scope of the persons with whom the Association shares personal data, the purposes for which the Association shares personal data and the name or title of the person responsible for the management of such personal data, or shall make such information readily available to the person. The personal data shall be placed in a condition where it is readily accessible to the person concerned.
7.Outsourcing of personal information
When personal information is outsourced to a third party for use, the Company shall consider the appropriateness of the outsourcing in light of the security management measures in place at the third party, and shall enter into an outsourcing agreement with the third party that stipulates the matters necessary for appropriate supervision, including the maintenance of confidentiality, before providing the information, and shall use these measures to ensure that the personal data is used in a manner that is appropriate for the third party. Appropriate supervision of contractors will be carried out.
8.Anonymous processed information
When the Association provides anonymised processed information to third parties, it will disclose the items of information relating to individuals contained in the anonymised processed information provided to the third party and the method of provision of such information.
When the anonymised processed information is used by the Association, the anonymised processed information will not be cross-checked with other information and the individual whose personal information was used to create the anonymised processed information will not be identified.
9.Safety control measures for personal information
In order to prevent and correct unauthorised access to personal information and leakage, loss or damage of personal information, the Association will establish regulations and take safety measures within the Association. In order to achieve the above objectives, the Association takes the following measures
(1) Formulation of a basic policy for the implementation of the measures stipulated by law and guidelines for the proper handling of personal information and personal data.
(2) Formulation of various regulations specifying the acquisition, use, storage, provision, deletion and disposal of personal data, as well as the persons and roles responsible for these actions.
(3) Organisational security control measures, such as the establishment of a responsible person, clarification of the employees who handle personal data and the scope of personal data handled, development of a reporting and communication system to the responsible person when facts or signs of non-compliance with laws and regulations are detected, and regular inspections of the handling situation.
(4) Personnel security control measures, such as stating matters relating to the confidentiality of personal data in employment regulations and conducting regular training on matters to be considered in handling personal data.
(5) Physical security control measures, such as access control for employees, restrictions on equipment brought into the company, and restrictions and controls on taking out equipment and electronic media and documents that handle personal data to prevent theft or loss, etc.
(6) Technical safety control measures such as the introduction of systems to protect information systems handling personal data from unauthorised external access or unauthorised software.
In addition to the above, if you would like to know more about the safety management measures for personal data taken by the Association, please contact us via ‘12. Contact for enquiries.
10.Efforts for improvement
The Association will inspect the handling of personal information (including security control measures). The Association will strive to continuously improve the handling of personal information (including security control measures) by inspecting and, if necessary, reviewing the handling situation.
11.Disclosure of retained personal data
If the Association receives a request from an individual for disclosure, correction, deletion or suspension of use of the Association’s retained personal data in accordance with the methods prescribed by the Association, the Association will respond appropriately and promptly in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.
12.Contact for enquiries
For requests for disclosure and other consultations regarding personal data, as well as complaints regarding the handling of personal data, please contact
Fintech Association Secretariat
E-mail address:
Opening hours: 9am – 5pm (except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)