Patrick Cao(パトリック・ツァオ)
戦略投資会社であるUnlockの共同創設者兼マネージングパートナー。また、インドネシア最大のユニコーンスタートアップであるGoTo Groupの共同創業者。GoToのグループプレジデント、Tokopediaの取締役会のメンバーなどを歴任。
Patrick Cao is Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Unlock, a multi strategy investment company. He is also Co-Founder of GoTo Group, the largest digital ecosystem in Indonesia. Patrick was Group President of GoTo and Tokopedia, and a member of the Board of Commissioners of Tokopedia. Prior to GoTo and Tokopedia, Patrick was a Principal at venture capital firm Formation 8.