当協会がCommunity Partnerを務めるSingapore FinTech Festival 2023のご案内です。
Singapore FinTech Festival 2023
今年のテーマは、「The Applications of AI in Financial Services」
■日時:2023年11月15日(水) – 17日(金)
■場所:Singapore EXPO
■主催:Monetary Authority of Singapore, ELEVANDI, Constellar
■申込:こちら (有料のDelegate Pass割引リンク。割引情報は随時UPDATEされます。最新の割引はSNSをご確認ください!)
・チケットの種類はhttps://www.fintechfestival.sg/registration でご確認ください。
・Fintech協会会員、PeatixよりJapan Delegationにお申込みの場合、Delegate Passの割引が適用されます。
Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF) 2023
15 – 17 November 2023
The World’s Most Impactful FinTech Festival is back this November, and we’re proud to be a partner of SFF2023 the place where Policy, Finance and Technology meet.
The 8th edition of the Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF) will take place from 15 -17 November 2023 at the Singapore EXPO.
SFF 2023 will focus on the growth and adoption of Artificial Intelligence and how this technology can potentially be used in financial services. As the world’s most impactful FinTech event, last year’s edition brought together over 62,000 participants from 134 countries.
SFF is organised by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, Elevandi and Constellar and in collaboration with The Association of Banks in Singapore.
Register now: https://ter.li/SFF23CPFTAJ
Partner Code: SFFCP_FTAJ
Latest discount info will be updated on our social media.
First Look Speakers

This November, the Singapore FinTech Festival is bringing together leaders including:
Eric Jing, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Ant Group, who will join Sopnendu Mohanty, Chief FinTech Officer, Monetary Authority of Singapore, for an exclusive fireside chat.
Mairead McGuinness. Commissioner Financial Services, Financial Stability & Capital Markets Union, European Commission. Mairead will share the European approach to regulating digital assets in the signature SFF Policymakers Dialogue.
And Balaji Srinivasan, renowned investor, entrepreneur, and technologist. Join an ‘Ask Me Anything with Balaji’ for a no holds barred debate on everything from Bitcoin to the end of nation-states. See who else is speaking at #SFF2023 here!: https://www.fintechfestival.sg/speakers
Closing Keynote Speakers

This groundbreaking dialogue will explore the World Bank’s imperative to evolve the nearly 80 year old institution to tackle the pressing issues of today, including sustainability, the pandemic and its aftermath, as well as other global challenges.
Learn more about the crucial role technology plays in the World Bank’s Evolution Roadmap to inclusive and sustainable economic growth at SFF 2023’s closing fireside chat session on 17 November 2023.
Japan Delegation
今年もJapan Delegationを募集中です。
詳細、お申込みはPeatixより! https://sff-japan-delegation-2023.peatix.com/view