当協会では、新たなFintechサービスが生まれやすい環境整備に向けた法改正への具体的な提言や関係各団体との会合をはじめ多くの活動を実施しています。 その中でも、分科会は当協会の基軸となる活動としてテーマ別に担当理事を中心として関係諸団体、主務官庁、会員企業を交えて専門的な研究や討議を行う場として定期的に開催しています。
Fintech Association of Japan has been actively involved in creating a supportive environment for Fintech startups, through a range of measures including recommendations for reforming the legal system to nurture the next generation of Fintech talent in Japan, and engaging in working with other organisations to promote innovation in financial services. The value of the Association is generated through the activities from our Subcommittee Meetings. Regular Subcommittee Meetings steered by the chair of the subcommittee (a director) are held on topics of interest to its members, where we are going to keep exploring research on Fintech’s innovation capabilities and problems through round tables with various parties.
担当理事:Takane Hori:堀 天子(森・濱田松本法律事務所)
We discuss issues on platform business models, regulatory challenges facing the financial sector, Big Data and AI profiling/scoring models, and efficient method for identification, etc.

API & Security
担当理事:Mark Makdad:マーク・マクダッド(マネーツリー)
We discuss banking APIs (application programming interfaces) with people from FSA, METI, Japanese Bankers Association, Financial Industry Information Systems (FISC), etc. We are promoting innovation and growth through legal reform, standardized ecosystem, information sharing, and public awareness.

Money Transfer
We engage in research and dissemination events, exchange views about KYC and related regulations, etc., aiming at further development of the “Money transfer and remittance” industry which would provide better, quicker and more convenient services.

担当理事:Yasuhiro Kimura:木村 康宏(freee)
We confer with related organizations including Money Lenders’ Association and other authorities concerned on transaction lending or problems in social lending system, etc., and discus on distribution of data that can be utilized for financing.

担当理事:Kazuya Hata:畑 加寿也(justinCase)
While expectations for technology-enabled innovations or “InsurTechs” in the insurance industry are soaring, we discuss a wide variety of topics within insurance including insurance related laws and regulations, Big Data, AI, Customer Experience (UX).

Capital Markets
担当理事:Takeshi Kito:鬼頭 武嗣(クラウドリアルティ)
We discuss issues related to Crowdfunding and initial coin offering (ICO) and so on, to overcome challenges faced by Japanese Issuers in the capital markets through new tech, and discuss further steps to foster fair, efficient and transparent capital markets across.

Investment & Asset Management
担当理事:Shirabe Ogino: 荻野 調(財産ネット)
Our activities involve improving financial literacy, implementing the provisions of the amended, use of AI technology, policy concerning coordination with Japan Association for Financial Planners, Spare Change Investment, small amount reception/payment, eKYC, etc., in cooperation with the competent authorities, all of which would contribute to the industry consolidation.

担当理事:Hiroki Maruyama:丸山 弘毅(インフキュリオン・グループ)
Subcommittee and created the Cashless Subcommittee. In anticipation of a paperless, cashless future, we discuss with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and various related parties to solve problems. Also, we promote innovation in the payments industry such as requesting for adoption of open API in the credit card industry.

Electronic Receipt
担当理事:Takeshi Kito:鬼頭 武嗣(クラウドリアルティ)
We study new governance models that utilize data and technologies, which are gradually expanding beyond financial industry to include non-finance industries, as well as supervisory and regulatory uses of technology, represented by RegTech and SupTech. In order to promote the implementation of these technologies in Japan and the development of the international ecosystem, we discuss topics related to the societal implementation of individual technologies and solutions in cooperation with startups, regulatory authorities, regulated financial institutions, and other parties inside and outside of Japan.

Online Factoring

Electronic Receipt
In anticipation of a paperless, cashless future, we engage in standardization for e-receipt format and initiate discussions with METI, POS standards Body, retail companies etc. around problem solving.

担当理事:Hiroki Maruyama:丸山 弘毅(インフキュリオン・グループ)
We engage in activities to promote innovation in the payment industry, that includes consultation between the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and various related parties related to the revision of the Installment Sales Law, and requesting for adoption of open API in the credit card industry.

Fintech Association of Japan members have a general membership meeting once a month, where we introduce new members of the association and give pitches about their company, express key characteristics of the association, and provide the latest information such as subcommittee activities, issues with authority, collaboration with domestic and overseas partners, and hosting events. Light refreshments are served after the meeting to provide the attendees the time for socializing and networking.

当協会では、日本から金融分野のイノベーションを発信し、Fintech業界のネットワーキングの場を作ることを目的に、2014年10月から「Fintech Meetup」を開催しています。スタートアップ、金融機関、VC、大手企業の新規事業開発担当者が一堂に会しカジュアルに情報交換できる場を提供しています。一般公開のMeetupとして協会の会員以外の誰もが参加可能です。
Since October 2014, a networking event “Fintech Meetup” has been held to promote open innovation in the Japanese Fintech industry, and to provide opportunities for domestic/overseas startups and people from financial industry, including financial institutions, VCs, business development officers from major companies, to exchange their views casually. As Fintech Meetup is open to the public, non-members with common aspirations are welcomed.

当協会では、国内外から、Fintech業界の最前線を走る起業家や有識者を招聘し、2016年から「Fintech Japan」を開催しています。日本と世界がFintechのエコシステムを成長させるために、それぞれが果たす役割や、そこにある課題、そして将来の方向性について、ディスカッションとコラボレーションを促進する場で、一般公開のイベントとして協会の会員以外の誰もが参加可能です。
Since 2016, we have hosted the “Fintech Japan” forum inviting prominent experts and entrepreneurs from home and abroad, to discuss Fintech innovation on the global stage. Fintech Japan forum brings people in the Fintech industry together to facilitate discussion on roles individuals might assume, current issues or future directions, and collaboration on how to grow the ecosystem. As it is a public event, non-members can register for the event.
Fintech Japan 2018 (English)
Fintech Japan 2018 (Japanese)