一般社団法人Fintech協会は、2021年2月4日、オランダ大使館主催のイベント、Digital mission内で、オランダのフィンテック団体である、Holland Fintechと相互支援に関する覚書(MOU)を締結しました。今後は各国相互間のフィンテックエコシステムの向上に向けて協力をしてまいります。

Holland Fintechについて
Holland FinTech has created one of the largest independent global marketplaces for financial services & technology ecosystem, empowering more than 400 company members. Holland FinTech delivers professional services to its members across the world, by making use of its large global network and deep understanding of fintech. Members range from start-ups to large corporations in financial services and technology players as well as related service providers. Holland FinTech strives to improve (access to and understanding of) financial service globally, by driving competition and co-operation throughout the value chain.
Website: https://hollandfintech.com/