一般社団法人Fintech協会は、2021年7月4日、ノルウェーのフィンテック団体である、NCE Finance Innovationと相互支援に関する覚書(MOU)を締結しました。今後は各国相互間のフィンテックエコシステムの向上に向けて協力をしてまいります。

NCE Finance Innovationについて
NCE Finance Innovation (NCE FI) is a non-profit fintech cluster which supports and facilitates the
development of the Norwegian FinTech industry. NCE FI facilitates technological innovation and
collaboration among the participants and stakeholders of the FinTech ecosystem in the Norwegian
FinTech ecosystem.
NCE FI is a member-based organization with its members representing the full range of stakeholders
in the FinTech industry from early-stage innovative companies to large financial players, academia,
investors, and service providers. As part of the Norwegian Governments national cluster-program,
NCE FI aims to contribute to value creation within fintech through sustainable innovation.