Toru Oda

Secretary General, Fintech Association of Japan

Joined FAJ in November 2023 as a secretary-general. In 1985, he worked at Kyowa Bank (now Resona Bank). After working at a domestic sales office, he was dispatched for training at Japan Center for Economic Research with the General Planning Department. He worked in Kinzai Institute for Financial Affairs,Inc since 1992, and for 15 years until 2006, he worked as a reporter and deputy editor-in-chief in the editorial department of Weekly Financial Affairs, covering non-performing loan problems, financial crises, and the reorganization of megabanks, and became editor-in-chief in April 2006. After that, he served as General Manager of the Second Tokyo Sales Department and General Manager of the Education Business Department, and then as Executive Director, Editorial Bureau Chief and Secretary General. Currently, he is The Toho Bank, Ltd. Independent Director. External advisor to Storm Harbor Securities. Graduated from the Faculty of Commerce, Yokohama City University.