一般社団法人Fintech協会とCity TLVが覚書を締結

※English follows Japanese

一般社団法人Fintech協会(東京都中央区、代表理事:丸山 弘毅/木村 康宏/ナタリー 志織 フレミング)は、2019年3月29日、イスラエルのフィンテック団体である、City TLVと相互支援に関する覚書(MOU)を締結しました。今後は各国相互間のフィンテックエコシステムの向上に向けて協力をしてまいります。

【City TLVについて】
City TLVはテルアビブ地区を国際金融センターとして推進するNGO団体です。
City TLVは2017年より、地域産業の競争力と広く認識されてきた金融サービスとテクノロジーのクロスオーバーであるFinTechの活動にフォーカスしてきました。これには、InsurTech、ブロックチェーン、RegTechといったサブセクターも含まれます。


Fintech Association of Japan (Chuo City, Tokyo. Representative Directors: Hiroki Maruyama / Yasuhiro Kimura / Natalie Shiori Fleming) concluded a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with City TLV on March 29, 2019. We will offer mutual support for the improvement of the Fintech ecosystem.

【About City TLV】
City TLV is a partnership for the promotion of Greater Tel-Aviv as an International Financial Center. It is an NGO led by individuals and entities that share the vision and can play substantial roles in its realization. Its main objectives are to create a world-class hub of selected financial services in Tel Aviv, to encourage innovation in the financial sector, to promote exports of financial services from Israel, to attract foreign investments to the industry and to create business opportunities for its members by initiating international visits, conferences, etc.
In 2017 City TLV decided to focus its operations on the crossover between financial services and technology – FinTech – which is widely recognised as the leading competitive edge of the local industry. Included are subsectors such as InsurTech, Blockchain and RegTech.

【About Fintech Association of Japan】
Fintech Association of Japan, established in September 2015, promotes open innovation in the Japanese Fintech industry by creating networking opportunities for its members, researching emerging market trends, and cooperating with domestic, international, and government organizations. The association promotes the Japanese Fintech ecosystem abroad and encourages the exchange of information internationally.